AI And The Future of Humanity

Many years ago, I wrote a post about the future of work and the eventual need for a Universal Basic Income, due to the advancements of technology (robotic and AI) that would make human workers obsolete, or near obsolete, in various fields. Since that time, we’ve had illustrations of real life scenarios that UBI does work, and in fact makes the humans that are on it more inspired and creative. And, in a less positive light, we have very recently seen that AI is accelerating its takeover of humanity. Is that hyperbolic? Maybe. But I’d prefer to say it’s accurate.

In the last few months, there have been several cases of AI disrupting human spheres. We saw it in the form of “art” AI, which created artwork from text prompts input by humans. This immediately brought out an outcry, due to the artists that the AI had been trained upon, rightly pointing out that the AI was stealing their styles and giving nothing back. Now, has inspiration always been a nebulous and controversial aspect of the art world? Yes, indeed. Where does inspiration cross the line into plagiarism, or appropriation? These have been questions that artists have debated for years. But I believe it clearly crosses over into plagiarism when an AI bot wholeheartedly shoplifts an artists entire artistic DNA, with no attribution or payment. As though artists don’t struggle enough to make money after spending so much time and effort pouring their love into their craft…now they have HAL 3000 shoplifting the pooty too? When it takes literally the amount of time it would take to wish for a Djinn to make art of the subject of a wisher’s choosing, and in the exact style that a wisher’s favorite artist projects, we have a serious problem. This is already rocking the artistic industry, in that game studios are laying of pre-visualization artists (always one of my favorite kinds of modern artists, known for sweeping vistas and meticulously rendering fantastical worlds, among other things, and required to be intensely talented) in favor of using AI to generate pre-viz art. And will the money that is saved by axing those talented artists, serve to do anything but make the fat cats at the top further increase their financial BMI? Forgive me for being skeptical, but I doubt it.

In the same vein of AI disruption, we also have similar bots that are taking over the roles of writers (I promise this post has been poorly written by a human, and should handily pass your Turing test. Here’s a typoo to prove it) by using small prompts to write articles and stories. And ChatGPT is also coming for the techies themselves, in that it’s making large swathes of code writing obsolete, and can be driven by AI instead to write code in a tiny fraction of the time (admittedly it takes some handholding, but is FAR less demanding than the traditional code writing procedures).

So in the space of a few months, we have had huge disruptions to labor sets. And what’s unique about this particular tech assault, is that it’s upon traditionally highly skilled and learned roles. This isn’t just a robot replacing a hamburger flipper; these are AI not only replacing many people who have advanced degrees, but stealing their own work as the very means to do so. And in a particularly insulting twist, the AI is orders of magnitude faster at all of these things than a human could ever be.

So what are the implications? Well, looks like we are heading full long towards the part of late-stage capitalism where the 200 rich people with all the money leave Earth, and leave the rest of us underlings behind after we’ve been sapped dry of all our AI-stealable skills, to squabble over our Soylent Green crumbs. I kid, I kid. Sort of. To be sure, AI can be a tool to help us achieve great things. But it can also carelessly be used to irreparably damage us. And that sure feels like where we are right now.

To me, if the powers that be aren’t hearing alarm bells about the future of humanity and what we do, they just aren’t paying attention. Which, given the political antics of the last several years, wouldn’t be all that surprising. But let’s choose to be optimistic, and believe that there ARE people in power who want to help the human race still (and that they aren’t just the sorts who appear to be interested in that, until they can buy Twitter and show that they’ve chosen to throw it all in with the loonies instead. Ahem.) I believe now is the time to begin to throw together a plan to do something BEFORE everything gets awful for once. And what could they do? Well, I have three ideas that could mitigate some things.

  1. Clearly we need to make it where if an AI dataset is used to train a plagiarism bot, the original artists/writers/etc need to be paid royalties from the organization that has created that plagiarism bot. Both upon initial usage, and repeated royalties upon reuse. The good thing about AI, is you have metrics that will tell you that information down to the Nth degree.

  2. For every job that uses AI or robots to displace a human, there should be a heavy tax on that position, used to fund UBI for the people that have been displaced. That will make it so that digital slaves aren’t immediately so appealing, for doing the work of humans for the mere cost of developing them in the first place, and then making them Legion. It will also help to fund UBI for those people, so that they can retrain or otherwise lead fulfilling lives and contribute to society, instead of becoming destitute. I know that there’s the whole argument about “every time there’s a new technology, the people tied to the old one cry doom”, and that’s true. But when cars replaced horses, the people that shoed the horses could learn to work on cars. AI takes jobs, and leaves a vacuum that only AI moves into, at least for a huge ratio. And that just hasn’t been equitable at any other point in history.

  3. For my most popular idea, tie the income of the people at the top of companies to the income of the people at the lowest tier. The C-suite characters would no longer be able to reap all the rewards from taking the profits from the humans that made the products, as we so so much now. Let’s say, no one can make more than 20 times what the lowest paid workers makes. I don’t buy that anyone can work 20 times harder in a position than someone else, and so many of our deep-seated problems come from the hugely disparate income inequalities that have occurred over the past several decades. If the people at the bottom of the pyramid are taken care of, we all prosper.

  4. And as a freebie, let’s make it so that some projects are inalienably achieved by humans. We didn’t come this far just to let Pong’s great grandchild take it all away.

Are these ideas perfect? No. But at least they are something to talk about, which I am not seeing Congress do yet. And they need to start, yesterday, before this problem gets out of hand. Because it will, and very quickly. We are on the precipice of being able to make this world so good for so many, if we just continue to proactively take steps to solve problems before they are too late.