Bioluminescence? Yes please.

I love mushrooms. I think they are fascinating; they aren’t animal, they aren’t plant, they aren’t like anything else. So one of my hobbies is to just sort of find them and learn about them, when I have the chance.

Last night, while driving down the road, I saw these bright orange clusters of mushrooms by a golf course. We pulled over and I took pictures, sure that I had found Jack O’ Lantern mushrooms, and in October, no less. They were gorgeous and vibrant, and I took some photos and we left.

Today I learned that they are bioluminescent. I find bioluminescence to be one of the most beautiful and mysterious things you can find in nature, so tonight we went back to the golf course, and I grabbed a clump of them (I am sure they will be mowed tomorrow). I took them home, not sure if we would see the elusive glow or not. And to the amazement of my kids and I….we did. So I went and got out my camera, and took a few low light photos of the first time I’ve witnessed bioluminescence “in the wild”, if you will (as opposed to in a museum or aquarium). I loved it so much that I wanted to share the experience with you.
